
Stan Lee: Έτσι τον αποχαιρέτησαν οι «super ήρωες» στα Social Media!

Σε περίπτωση που δεν το έμαθες ακόμη, ο γνωστός Αμερικανός συγγραφέας Stan Lee,  δημιουργός των φανταστικών χαρακτήρων: Spider-Man, X-Men και Hulk, και άλλων σούπερ ηρώων της Marvel Comics, πέθανε σε ηλικία 95 ετών.

Ο Stan Lee απεβίωσε τη Δευτέρα 12/11/2018 σε νοσοκομείο του Λος Άντζελες, σύμφωνα με το δίκτυο TMZ και το Hollywood Reporter.

Ο κάθε “super ήρωας” που έπαιξε στις σχετικές ταινίες (και όχι μόνο) δημοσίευσε στα Social Media συγκινητική εικόνα, με αναφορά στο πρόσωπο του Stan Lee.

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Thanks for everything, Stan.

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Stan Lee was a legend. The first photo is actually his last Marvel red carpet. What can I say? He changed the way comics were made by being brave, bold, and willing to tell all kinds of stories. I was lucky to interview him many times of which I have too few pictures. He was always so charming, incredibly kind, and so generous as a subject. Stan Lee didn't have to be so kind. He was a legend well before I met him, but he always made a point to say thank you and to say that I had done a good job. This isn't something he ever needed to do, but he did, and it's only one small reason he was the best. Excelsior, Stan. Though you might have been a cameo in our lives, you were always the best part. #StanLee

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